Singing Guide: Dorothy Lamour

Singing Guide: Dorothy Lamour

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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How to Sing Like Dorothy Lamour

Dorothy Lamour was a popular American singer and film actress, famous for her roles in movies such as "Jungle Princess" and the "Road to..." series with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. She had a warm, rich, and sensual voice, which was perfect for crooning jazz and popular standards.

The key to singing like Dorothy Lamour is to develop a similar vocal quality, diction, and phrasing. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Analyze your voice to determine your voice type and range. Dorothy Lamour had an alto or mezzo-soprano voice, with a dark, velvety tone. Try to match her vocal timbre and color.
  • Practice proper breathing and breath support to control your voice and sustain long notes. Dorothy Lamour had excellent breath control and could sing long, smooth lines effortlessly.
  • Imitate her articulation and open mouth and throat technique, which gave her voice its distinctive clarity and resonance. Dorothy Lamour enunciated her words carefully and projected her voice with ease.
  • Pay attention to her voice registers and vibrato style, which added depth, emotion, and variety to her singing. Dorothy Lamour used a mixture of chest and head voice, and often sang with a lush, slow, and sensual vibrato.
  • Master her interpretation and performance skills, which made her songs memorable and engaging. Dorothy Lamour had a natural sense of rhythm and phrasing, and was able to convey a range of emotions through her singing, from sadness to joy to seduction.

Here are some of Dorothy Lamour's most famous songs, which showcase her vocal style and technique:

  1. "Moonlight and Shadows" - a slow, romantic ballad with rich harmonies and a seductive melody.
  2. "It Could Happen to You" - a cheerful, upbeat tune with a bouncy rhythm and catchy chorus.
  3. "The Man I Love" - a classic jazz standard with bluesy chords and a heartfelt melody.
  4. "The Moon of Manakoora" - a dreamy, exotic song with tropical sounds and lush instrumentation.

Use the following Singing Carrots tool to find more songs that match your vocal range and style preferences. You can also take the vocal range test to determine your range, and use the artist vocal ranges to compare your voice to that of other singers.

Finally, consider taking the educational singing course to improve your singing skills and learn more about vocal techniques, theory, and practice. With hard work, dedication, and practice, you can sing like Dorothy Lamour and become a great singer yourself!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.